Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Why the Sunday Gentleman?

I have been thinking of writing a blog for sometime. And then I have been mulling over what name should I give to my blog. As you can guess, I am a good procrastinator. As I pondered over the issue, which by the way, was in a rat race with other pending issues including global warming, should I learn golf, and why does the pigeon want to crap in my terrace, from the mists of my ageing memory, I remembered a term called The Sunday Gentleman.
It seems in the 19th century, England was very tough on people not meeting their financial debts. So they were hounded and there existed the real potent danger of one being incarcerated with the unwashed masses.But on Sunday, that danger was mitigated. So all those people who disappeared on the weekdays would be out in their sartorial finery on Sunday. This blog is somewhat metaphorically akin to that. This is my Sunday wherein I can expound and expand (in other words, disseminate inane gyan to all on sundry without the fear of censure). And that to me is liberating!!!!

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